Mobile Web | Invepic

The need for Mobile

The need for Mobile

In our fast paced society, people have become more and more accustomed to using mobile devices as their source of connectivity, versus relying on the traditional desktop computer. This is a significant change in how the world functions, and a change not to be ignored.

Today’s mobile devices are now the dominant global tool for accessing web content, and for requesting information relative to their current needs and location. With this shift in device trend, comes a demand for more mobile-friendly sites, making the user experience as fast and easy as possible. Standard Web sites are not designed for mobile devices nor are they manageable via mobile. Poorly designed navigation, excessive graphics, and superfluous animation are points are frustration for mobile users, and are not realistic for current needs.

By utilizing mobile browser platforms and optimizing Web sites for mobile devices, small and medium businesses can attract new customers, offer promotions, and interact with users on the move in a ways not possible with traditional Web sites.

Improved User Experience

Mobile Web sites are designed completely user-centric, where interoperability and usability are the focus, and satisfaction and positive impressions are the goal. A quality mobile web experience makes a positive impression upon the user, assures their return, and encourages them to make a purchase.

Faster Download Speed

Succeeding as a mobile Web site entails instant web retrieval and delivery. Site optimization is critical for meeting the current mobile standards, and providing users with a fast delivery of information.

Engagement and Context

Positive user experiences are built on user-friendly, logical interfaces, as well as easy-to-use functionality. This includes features such as: logical navigation, easy search capabilities, welcome messages, feedback messages, click-to-call, call-back requests, and location-awareness technology.

Improved Search/SEO performance

Being searchable is as critical to a site as establishing an initial web presence. Search results and rankings can be maximized by utilizing mobile-friendly search engines, such as Google and Yahoo. Through improved indexation, content optimization, and link building / distribution, a site can establish a presence in a growing number of mobile and local directories.

Brand Identity

Having a mobile presence, one that is effective, innovative, and optimized, can make a strong impact upon users. Strengthen the might of the brand with positive user experiences which will undoubtedly make lasting impressions.

Portability and Connectivity

A mobile website allows the growing number of the on-the-go users to access the mobile website anywhere, any time. This level of constant connectivity provides an unprecedented opportunity to attract new costumers or clients wherever they may be.

Integration with Offline Media

Mobile devices are unique in their ability to immediately fill the gap between online and offline media through the use of QR codes. QR codes provide instant marketing and can be utilized on many forms of media, such as: magazines, posters, brochures, signs, business cards, etc. When scanned with a smartphone or a tablet device, the QR code is translated into an electronic message such as the company’s Web site URL, an email address or text message. Through the use of the QR code, the on-the-go user can directly access the mobile Web page that contains more information and interactivity than can be found on the printed page. This type of integration between print and web via mobile adds dynamic new ways of communication and advertising opportunities.

Mobile Web site versus Application

A mobile Web site can instantly be accessible to users via browsers across a range of devices, such as the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows and tablet devices, and without requiring the user to download and install an application before the content can be viewed.

A mobile optimized Web site is more dynamic than an application in terms of its flexibility. The content on a mobile website can instantly be updated, and can reach the target audience immediately; whereas an application needs to be updated by each individual user in order to access and benefit from the update. In addition, application development requires multiple solutions in order to support the range of common and popular platforms in use; thus, making the solution far more extensive than necessary and more limited.

Another advantage is that the users can share mobile Web sites easily and instantly via a link, e-mail, text message, Facebook, or Twitter; thus, making the solution more desirable and user-friendly. The mobile website is an innovative technology that shatters the barriers between the brand or company and the user.